Alexandra Rey glam portrait photographed by Zori Art Photography for the project 21 days of real women

If you could go back five years, what would you change about your future?

Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards. Furthermore, plan less and react more.

Time is fleeting so if you want to do something or even try something new, seize the moment !

What do you consider your greatest achievement?

My daughters, obtaining my university diploma followed by creating a life here in Europe.

What's your favourite thing you have checked off your bucket list?

Travelling to such wonderful places as Iceland, Mexico, Sri Lanka and of course my native California - San Diego & Marin county.

Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind.

What is a trait you are most proud of?

My generosity and empathy towards others.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

To be more patient but I'm working on it :)

 What is your idea of perfect happiness?

Cooking for my family and friends .. Enjoying a nice meal, wine and conversations all together./Sunday afternoons going for long walks in the forest.

What is your most treasured possession?

I have many and all with sentimental value: My daughters’ artwork from primary school, a book I received from a dear friend - Time for God and my Millefiori candles.

What is your greatest fear?

Climate change - Having our children grow up in a warmer world with risks of food shortages, infectious diseases and extreme heat is greatly concerning !

What do you most value in your friends?

Their kindness, resourcefulness, beauty and sense of humour.

What advice would you give your younger self?

To be more in the present ie., appreciating moments for what they truly are and bring to you.

What is your motto?

I have several actually but here are my favourites:

“The first duty of love is to listen." - Paul Tillich ;

"Be the change you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi ;

“Change your thoughts, and you change your world.” - Norman Vincent Peale.

How important is self-love and dedicating little moments of celebrating yourself?

Very important and one I practice daily whether it is cooking a healthy meal, watching an interesting documentary or doing Pilates. Self-love motivates you to make healthy choices in life. When you hold yourself in high esteem, you're more likely to choose things that nurture your well-being and serve you well.

Additional thoughts for younger women....

The importance of practising Emotional hygiene : It refers to social & emotional well-being. When we get a wound, we know intrinsically to disinfect and treat it so that it will heal. But when we face an emotional wound, let’s say rejection, many of us wallow in self-pity or blame ourselves. Adolescence is a unique and formative time, in which both personal and emotional hygiene should be equally cared for.

Before and after photo of Alexandra, photographed for the project 21 days of real women